January 17, 2011

Nicole Hamilton visits Fredericksburg Academy, with Chocolate!

Nicole shares one of her earliest drawings as a 3 yr-old budding artist.

A student , all smiles after discovering we were going to eat our inspiration after painting!

A quick pastel sketch got students started on their task- they drew the shape of their individual chololates before painting.
Students were so impressed with the delicious realism of this painting.

Final products- acrylic paintings on mini-canvas.

Friday, January 14th, 2011- First, we saw a simple drawing by Mrs. Hamilton done when she was 3. A few more drawings along the way appeared from her formative years, then she shared her fabulous recent portraits. Our students really got to see how an artist developed her talents along the way to becoming a professional artist.
A day few 4th and 5th graders will ever forget! Not only did Nicole bring paintings from her recent Bistro Bethem Show, she taught us how to draw, then paint, fancy chocolates!
We then ate the evidence, leaving only 3 empty boxes and 83 4"canvases with some beautiful paintings on them. Thank you, master painter, for helping us see color, shape, value, and progression of an idea!

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