April 11, 2011

Some homework by 5th grade artist Gabe Durso after working at FA with visiting artist Gabe Pons!!!!

Pears oil on canvas 24"x36" for a customer.....

New studio- there's no place like home......

5th graders work with Gabriel Pons around the Ponshop logo on our F.A. campus.....

Our sidewalks just got a lot more interesting... scroll down to view video in progress-

Caught in motion:4th graders

Friday, April 8, 2011-

Our last artist visitor of the school year here at FA: Gabriel Pons, owner of Ponshop gallery/studio/classroom on 712 Caroline St. He took our students to new places with art-

First stop- New York City 1980's with Keith Haring and his public art images. A great Powerpoint of Keith's artwork inspired our 76 kids, and then we hit the sidewalks with chalks in hand and partners to trace in action poses! By the end of our 2 hours, over 600 square feet of action drawings covered our campus! Wings, dogs, computer screens, and flying saucers completed the public art project and unified all as one large tribute to a really fun artist and our talented visitor. Thank you, Gabe, for inspiring us once again- even though the rain claimed our work hours later, we had a great time.

This weekend in the new home studio: working on 3 paintings, 2 scarves, and a pastel. I have an unusual new studio-mate: an odd robin that enjoys flying into my screen over and over, one can only guess why. At first, I thought he/she wanted to tempt one of my cats, but then I noticed that he/she performs even without an audience. "Robin" must have slammed into my window 50 times yesterday. Any thoughts out there?

I finished a painting of pears for a customer who loves bright Warhol-like images, I had a surprisingly fun time with this atypical style. Happy Spring Break next week, FA!

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