November 11, 2009

2 days til Hsi-Mei Yates, our last visiting artist of 2009...

The prep work is complete
and 82 kids are about to get a healthy dose of Hsi-Mei!
This will be her second visit
to our wonderful school. Since we have so many students in these grades, we will use our Middle School's Commons to view her work, see her demonstrate techniques, and create two ink paintings on rice paper. Rice paper is extremely delicate when wet,
and the inks used are permanent, so this is a visit that requires a lot of concentration and discipline. And prayer by the art teacher.....
Hsi-Mei is a person that I admire greatly, both for her hard work as an artist and
her amazing personal story. I have always tried to expose children to the greater world we belong to with art, artists, and art history. I know the kids will look back one day and remember this experience on several levels, hopefully with a new appreciation for a culture that only a handful of us will ever experience in person.


  1. You have done such a great thing to bring art of so many different kinds into the lives of your students. Thanks for all you do, Mirinda!

  2. Thank you, Elizabeth, for being one of the brave souls to entertain our big group! And for always welcoming our FA families to LT with such welcoming smiles. We can't wait to visit in May 2010, this time we'll construct a community mural with Gabe out in the LT courtyard. I've already arranged for good weather that day....
    Great Swiss cheese tree mousterpiece, btw..


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